A Quieter Final Quarter

SBD is pleased to share there was a noticeable downturn in aircraft noise comments filed by our neighbors in the last three months of the year, compared to July – September 2020 when aerial firefighting aircraft combatted local and regional wildfires.   

This quieter outcome was despite SBD’s growth in air cargo between October and December 2020 as our partners maintained their vital work to meet community members’ essential needs. During this period, airport staff stepped up efforts to educate based and transient pilots about recommended flight paths and noise-sensitive areas and hours (see adjacent story about newly published videos for pilots).  

The SBD Good Neighbor Program quarterly report for October – December 2020 posted to the website shows our neighbors’ feedback both for this period and the full year.

Would you like to share a comment about aircraft operations related to SBD? It’s easy to do so via the SBD Good Neighbor Program. Contact us by web or phone: 

By visiting our website you’ll learn the many steps we’re taking to minimize aircraft noise impacts and your comment will become part of the next quarterly report.

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