Trend Talk

Noise comments received from neighbors in January — March 2021 reflect three distinct trends as follows:

  • Compared to January — March 2020, the year-over-year perspective reflects an increase in noise comments received. This upward swing is due to growth in aircraft operations and based and transient operators at SBD, as well as enhanced community education and awareness of the Good Neighbor Program.

  • In comparison to October — December 2020, there was a slight decrease both in noise comments received and distinct households filing between the two consecutive quarters. This reduction in neighbor feedback is attributed to a seasonal shift in cargo lift operations: from the busier 2020 year-end holidays to a reduced schedule in the New Year and early spring. 

  • Of the 39 total comments filed during January — March 2021, 28 (or 72%) of these comments were filed by 2 distinct households in Highland neighborhoods.

People respond to aircraft noise events in different ways. Airport staff strive to connect with our neighbors that ask for a response when they file noise comments, whether online or by phone.   

If you wish to share a comment about aircraft operations related to SBD, which will become part of the next quarterly report, we make it easy to do so via the Good Neighbor Program. Contact us by web or phone: 

  • Submit a comment online here, or
  • Call the Community Response Line 909-382-4225.

We encourage you to visit our website to learn what steps we’re taking to minimize aircraft noise impacts in our neighborhoods.

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