Trend Talk - 1Q22

Noise comments received from neighbors in January – March 2022 (1Q22) reflect these trends:

  • Compared to January – March 2021 (1Q21), a year-over-year increase both in the number of noise comments received and the number of distinct households filing comments. From an additional nine households, 31 more comments were filed.

Of the 70 comments filed in 1Q22, 53 (or 76%) were geographically concentrated in the city of Colton, where 3 distinct households filed comments for the quarter.

  • In comparison to October – December 2021 (4Q21), there was a decrease both in noise comments received and distinct households filing between the two consecutive quarters. The number of comments decreased by more than half, with 17 (6 fewer) households filing comments.

Airport neighbors chose to file their comments primarily online, with 83% of feedback shared on the Good Neighbor Program Noise Comment Form.

Seasonal changes contribute to increases and decreases in community feedback about SBD-related operations. What remains constant, though, is neighbors who are engaged about Airport developments. Through the Good Neighbor Program, they continue to have the resources to educate themselves, ask questions, and receive answers about airport and aircraft operations.

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